
Thursday, October 31, 2019


Maori & European Population Growth In NZ During 1836-1901


What does the graph show us?
The population change of Europeans and Maori in New Zealand during 1836-1901

Why do you think the numbers of Maori change?
Maori would fight for land or they would get diseases which then caused them to die. Women couldn't repopulate because of sexual diseases

Why do you think numbers of Europeans change?
More ships arrived with Europeans which increased their power and land

Wednesday, October 23, 2019



This is how I would introduce myself in Te Reo

Ko Maunga Pu toku maunga
Ko Pasifika moana toku moana
Ko Awa tapu toku awa
Ko Ngapuariki toku waka
Ko Canterbury toku rohe
Ko Ngati Kamire toku iwi
Ko Ngati Tepaki toku iwi
Ko Teaukura, Kaitao toku hapu
Ko Ngere toku ingoa

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Creative Writing

Lingshi Academy


SCREEEECH!! BANG! Wee woo, wee woo, wee woo. "This is Sam Willis, we are now here live
at the scene of the incident. It is believed that there was a car accident involving a young man in
his 30's and an elderly lady. We have also been informed that due to family matters we can not
release any details of the victims at this moment."

How do you sum up the life of a young man like Tripp Williams?
Well, you could start with the facts. That his parents were Quentin and Leah Williams. That he
was born at Oslo University Hospital. That he won the Top of the World International Piano
competition several times. That he took over the family business at 20, got married, had two sons,
settled down.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mount Tambora


Image result for mount tambora

Mount Tambora is located in Bima, Indonesia.
The last eruption ever recorded was in 1967.
Stratovolcano which means that the type of eruption is explosive.
Nearly 100,00 people died due to the eruption.
It is still active.


1. What sequence or routine is your video showing
It is showing the first sequence on the tramp

2. Why did you choose this sequence?
I didn't. I was encouraged by a classmate.

3. Do you think you have improved in this sequence?

4. How did you improve?
I actually did it


Discuss the idea of Mythology/stories in religion, and the role myths and stories play in society.
-Others can learn about it
-It tells a story
-Learning about the religion
-Brings people together
-It shows how the world was created

What similarities are there between the myths and stories of Maori and the British Missionaries.
-They both believe in gods
-Believe in religion
Connected with ancestors

Why would differences between Maori beliefs and English beliefs cause conflict?
-Because they were of different cultures
-They believe in different things