
Thursday, November 21, 2019

An Ideal World

In my ideal world, there would be no racism whatsoever as well as no one discriminating against each other. My ideal world would be peaceful because there wouldn't be as much violence as there is now. The planet would be clean and fresh because everyone would be putting all the rubbish in bins and they would make sure no one litters.
People would accept how diverse our world is and accept those who aren't of the same culture they are. I would also do whatever I would because I want to and I'd have unicorns.
In my opinion if we all begin to recycle properly and put rubbish in the correct bins then we'll be close to making our world clean but this can't happen unless we all help out. I also think that if people start accepting others from different races then there wouldn't be as much discrimination against each other.
Image result for unicorns

Why Was A Treaty Needed?


In the year 1830, there were around 200 Europeans and 100,000 Māori living in New Zealand. The Whalers behaviour, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars were reasons that a treaty was in need. Another contributing factor to the need for a treaty was The Declaration of Independence. 

Due to the disruptive behaviour of some of the British Settlers like the Whalers, was one of the reasons that a treaty was needed. Once the Whalers had arrived at Kororareka or also known as Russell, their attitude and behaviour had changed in which fighting and drinking had occurred. Their behaviour and attitude had changed due to them being out at sea for months at a time and the lack of entertainment while on-board. As a result of this, a treaty was in need to help calm the behaviours of the Whalers.

Missionaries had a strong feeling in helping the Māori protect their rights. This was another reason for needing a treaty. This is important because missionaries wanted to protect Māori. There was a good relationship between the two as well as the missionaries teaching Māori to read and write. The Missionaries wanted to help Māori protect their rights as they were worried for their well-being as well as them being killed or enslaved as a result of the Musket Wars. A treaty was needed in a situation like this to help the Missionaries try and help Māori protect their rights.

Another reason for needing a treaty was during the Musket Wars. The Musket Wars happened in the years 1807-1842 in which over 20,000 people were killed. Nga Puhi was the first tribe to get muskets by trading any necessities the Europeans wanted. Population and power changed within both groups. A treaty was needed to help prevent war breaking out between Māori tribes and helping control the use of muskets.

Now the final reason for needing a treaty was because of the existence of the Declaration of Independence. Interestingly, October 28th 1835 was the date the Declaration of Independence was signed. On this day 52 chiefs signed the Declaration of Independence. They signed this because the declaration was about trading with the British. The biggest impact this had was trading in legal terms and Māori gaining full power over New Zealand. However, the treaty established the laws of people living in New Zealand whereas the declaration didn’t.

This essay has demonstrated that a treaty was needed due to the Whalers behaviour, the Missionaries’ desire to help protect Māori rights and the Musket Wars. The events of the Musket Wars show that the biggest impacts the wars had on New Zealand was gaining more land, power and population. Power and population changes as well as how trading happened are two things we can learn from this topic. All these things have clearly stated reasons for why a treaty was needed.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Character Strengths #3

This trait was shown in The Silent One when Jonasi hoped that the turtle he meet would
be safe. I think this trait is important because it’s good to be hopeful for things even if you
don’t believe in it.
This trait was shown in real life when the class of 10BU were laughing for no reason. This
trait is important we need some humor in our lives.

This character trait was shown in Remember The Titans when Julius and Gary worked together as a team to get the whole team to get along instead of seeing them as individuals. I think teamwork is important because there are more ideas developing and there can be some advantages and disadvantages towards it.

This character trait was shown in He Is Psychometric when Kang Geun-taek begged for forgiveness from his son Seong-mo so he wouldn’t die. I think forgiveness is important because if we hold onto something that’s happened in the past, it’ll more likely harm you more than the person asking for forgiveness.
This trait was shown in the King’s Avatar when the opposite team wanted to cheat because they knew they would lose but the captain of that team decided to play fair and square. I think fairness is important because it shows that you can grow to appreciate the things that you disliked at first.
This character trait is shown in real life when the teachers love the subject they teach even when they have a lot on their minds or dealing with the students. I think this is important because the more you stay in a subject you dislike eventually it’ll evolve in a way that will make you get more involved in that subject and maybe in the end you may enjoy it.

Stop Motion


What causes a volcano to erupt:
When magma rises to Earths surface it builds up and because of this, a volcano erupts.

The biggest volcano in the world: 
Tamu Massif. Tamu Massif is an extinct submarine shield volcano in the northwest Pacific Ocean.

The deadliest volcano in the world:
The deadliest volcano is known to be Mount Vesuvius located in Italy. It's considered to be dangerous because of how close it is to the cities of Naples and the towns surrounding it.

Friday, November 8, 2019


What Treaty have you researched?
I have researched the treaty between Scotland and England

How does this Treaty relate to the Treaty of Waitangi?
I think they relate because they both had very similar things involving their treaty and because they also had a mutual agreement

My Links

Treaty of Waitangi

Why do we still talk about the Treaty of Waitangi?
It is apart of New Zealand's history and culture and how we have changed

My thoughts on Waitangi Day and if we still need to commemorate it each year
In my opinion, I think we should still celebrate Waitangi Day because it's apart of New Zealand's culture and heritage. It also shows how much we have evolved over the years since the signing of the Treaty.