
Friday, June 28, 2019

Metals Research


Types Of Magnetic Metals
Ferromagnetic, Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic metals are the three types of metals which interact with magnetic fields. The metal that is strongly attracted to magnets whereas the rest are not is Ferromagnetic. Paramagnetic is also attracted by metals but very weakly. Diamagnetic metals repel the magnet, even though the force is very weak. 
In the presence of a magnet, different materials react very differently. Ferromagnetic metals such as Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt are strongly attracted to magnets. There are some metals that are repelled by magnets. Other materials may be weakly attracted as well. Being exposed to magnets which can be magnetized by themselves occur in Ferrous metals. They'rs not only attracted to magnets.  

Ferromagnetic Metals
Iron, Nickel, Cobalt, Gadolinium, and Dysprosium are the main ferromagnetic metals. The attraction is strong enough to be felt if you hold a piece of ferromagnetic metal near a magnet. They're also used to make permanent magnets. They're able to keep possession of their magnetic properties after the magnet is removed. Strongly attracted to magnetic fields.

 Below from left to right: Gadolinium and Iron
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Ferromagnetic Alloys
Ferromagnetic alloys are alloys such as steel that contains ferromagnetic metals within them. Steel is a combination of iron and several other metals. It's harder and stronger than iron. Due to the hardness of steel, it can retain its magnetism longer than iron. Steel will eventually lose its magnetic properties when heated to a high temperature. This will also happen with ferromagnetic metals such as nickel.

Ferrimagnetic Materials 
Ferrites, magnetite, and lodestone are what is included in ferrimagnetic materials. As well as having oxides of other metals, these all have iron oxides as their main component. First discovered magnetism using lodestones. Lodestones is magnetite and are naturally magnetized. Ferrimagnetic materials are similar to ferromagnetic, but with a weaker and lower magnetic attraction. Magnetite is attracted to magnetic fields but doesn't normally become magnetized itself.

Paramagnetic Metals
When the magnet is removed it doesn't retain magnetic properties. Paramagnetic metals are weakly attracted towards a magnet. Copper, aluminum, and platinum are included in paramagnetic metals. Sensitive instruments are needed to measure the magnetic attraction. Paramagnetic substances have a much weaker and lower attraction towards magnets than ferromagnetic materials. Magnetic properties of paramagnetic metals are affected by temperature. When they're very cold aluminum, uranium, and platinum become more attracted to magnetic fields.

Below for left to right: Copper and Platinum
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Diamagnetic Metals/Materials
Diamagnetic materials are repelled by a magnetic field. A repulsive force caused by an applied magnetic field that creates an induced magnetic field in them, which is in the opposite direction. In contrast, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials are attracted by a magnetic field. Materials which are repelled by a magnet such as zinc, mercury, lead, sulfur, copper, silver, bismuth, etc, are known as diamagnetic materials. They act in the direction opposite to that of an applied magnetic field. When placed in a very strong magnetic field, they are slightly magnetized. Due to the orbital revolution and axial rotation of electrons around the nucleus are in opposite directions and cancel each other are the two relatively weak magnetic fields in diamagnetic materials. Diamagnetic materials have little applications in electrical engineering due to permanent magnetic dipoles(a pair of equal and oppositely charged or magnetized poles separated by a distance) being absent in them.

Below from left to right: Bismuth and Zinc
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Wednesday, June 26, 2019


The more difficult it feels to achieve becomes one of your best accomplishments in life. In
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi, a memorable idea is pushing for a better world,
even though it’s difficult. This idea is shown in the blurb, where Amari was holding the scroll and
the author’s note.

The blurb of the book is “They killed my mother. They took our magic. They tried to bury us. Now
we rise. '' This is used to help the reader understand that when life gets rough, to never give up
and that you can still rise from what has happened. A similar conflict happens in Avatar: The Last
Airbender where Katara, Sokka, and Aang had it rough a few times but each time they changed
so that they would become stronger and make a difference. If we have people like this now in the
world, then we have a chance for standing up for the greater good rather than the bad.

Pushing for a better world, even though it’s difficult was shown in the scene where Amari says
“Reality told us we would fail. But again and again, we fought. We persevered. We rose. This
helps the reader understand that pushing to the fullest gives us a little nudge in the right direction
to making the world a better environment for us to live in. A similar conflict happens in the real
world, where people go out of their way to help those suffering to rise up. If only people like
Amari would keep trying to do their best to help make the world better for more generations to

The author’s note of the book is “And just like Zelie and Amari, we have the power to change the
evils in the world. We’ve been knocked down for far too long. Now let’s rise. '' This helps the
reader to understand that even though we don’t have the authority to do most things by ourselves,
we as people have the power to banish the evils lurking in our world. That nothing can knock us
down. And stop us from doing what is right. A similar conflict happens in my life when bad thing
s knock me down and I still get up from what has been going on. Everyone who wishes to make a
change in the world could make it happen by taking little steps at a time.

We are all one. We have the power to change the world. Even if we fail, we could try and try again. Whatever knocks us down in life, which makes us rise afterward just proves that nothing is impossible. Pushing for a better world, even though it’s difficult is something more generations after us should look forward to.
Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.
-Dale Carnegie                                                                                                 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Corrosion Experiment

In science, we are investigating rusting.
Our aim is to investigate the factors that cause rusting in iron.

I think that the nail in the calcium chloride and water will rust the most and that oil would rust the least.

Corrosion is the process of corroding or being corroded or damage caused to metal, stone, or other materials by corrosion.

Saltwater rusted the most whereas oil rusted the least
  • Nail polish: Rusted at the top and the nail polish came off.
  • Oil: Didn't rust at all.
  • Saltwater: Rusted the most.
  • Calcium chloride + water: Hardly rusted.
  • Magnesium + water: Rusted a little bit. 

Left to right: Nail Polish+water, oil, saltwater, calcium chloride+water, magnesium+water