
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Life Of Victoria Hayes

The Life Of Victoria Hayes

It was a dark and stormy night.
In a small, cramped house, where I laid wrapped in an old torn blanket struggling to keep warm. As I watched the trees tossing about in the frenzied lashing of the wind, the house shook. Wrapped in my blanket, so did I. Frightened out of my wits I closed my eyes not to see or hear a thing.

It all started back on the day of April 24th, 1857. Today was the day. Finally, I had made one of the biggest decisions of my life. Now was the right time to leave this dreadful city and flee to another country. The filthiness of this place has caused pollution in the air. One thing to describe it would be unsanitary and was too overcrowded.

My name is Victoria Hayes. Twenty years ago I was born on May 22nd, 1837 in a small town called Bibury. Growing up as an only child was hard. I would have many difficulties such as going in and out of rough patches while the only thing keeping me afloat was my art. This is how I would express my feelings because I had no friends to confide in.
At the age of 18, I became a well-known gambler known to all as “MoneyBags” due to the absence of my parents. They died unexpectedly. But Did they really die that day?

One day left. 23 hours 43 minutes 20 seconds. I must get me a ticket to board the ship immediately. I need to find a way to get a ticket before the ship leaves. Suddenly, a vague memory flashes in my head. A poster which read Come along and try your luck at winning a FREE ticket. Now was my chance to get a ticket for free. Moments later I arrive at a bar called Ye Olde Mitre where it will all take part. After hours of taking part in one of the biggest poker games I have ever witnessed, I have finally won the ticket I have been waiting for. Although, I have got to say that everyone else would have had to pay £15 just for a ticket whereas I got mine for free through gambling.

As I woke the next morning, I knew that it was about time I left this city. The journey I was about to do would take at least 75 to 120 days long. I was putting myself at risk by taking the Steerage ticket, which has poor conditions.
“On aboard” shouted the captain. Not long after I boarded we parted London. The thing that was most concerning was that I had no clue on where this ship was headed but I had a fair idea that it was to a place called New Zealand. In my head, all I could think of was Oh what an unfamiliar name for a country to have. Next thing I knew, I just blacked out and the air turned black all around me. A sudden chill came over me. I woke in fear. Not knowing what it was that had awakened me.

Huge rough waves come crashing towards the ship. As if it weren’t already bad enough that there was a storm raging on outside as well. Starving. That’s what I was feeling at this very moment. I needed to eat some food. Though I must say that the food wasn’t the best but it was okay. I was that hungry that I ran to the Cabin area where food was a bit better than what we got served. I halt to a stop. Standing in the path of a wealthy man with his fiancee. He was a dreamy guy who was quiet and kind. I couldn’t say much for his fiancee as she disliked me a lot. She was the stuck up kind of person who thinks just because she’s rich that she’s better than the rest of us. Minutes later we went our separate ways keeping eye contact until I turned a corner.

Due to the lack of fresh water, I found it hard to keep fresh and clean and salt water wasn’t exactly ideal for washing even if you had the so-called “Special soap”. Generally, I would see children dying because they were vulnerable to infectious diseases such as scarlet fever, whooping coughs, diphtheria, and measles. These were some horrible things to actually see.

100 days went by while we were at sea. Not long till we make it to New Zealand but one thing was hanging over me. Who was that handsome looking man? And why haven’t I seen him in a while? Days past and I finally found out who he was. His name is Ty Westbrook and he stayed in the Cabin area. That’s why I hadn’t seen him in quite some time. I couldn’t help but think about him. On the 110th day, we crossed each other's path once more. But this time he stopped before me and we had a conversation. He whispered in my ear and said: “You dropped this the other day when you came to a stop in front of me”. It was my sketchbook. I replied with a thank you and nodded politely. The next thing I knew I asked him if maybe he would want to sit down with me some time and have a look at the things I sketched. He smiled with a yes. I walked back to my bed and at the head of my bed sat a nicely placed note that read “Meet me on the dock in 5 minutes”. In my head, I was thinking who would randomly leave a note with no name or nothing.

Left wondering who left the note I walked up to the docks. Awaiting for me to arrive was Ty. We sat down and talked about things going on. Shivers crawled up my back. I confessed my feelings about Ty to him and he felt the same. At that moment everything felt as if it was our time. We fell in love even though we didn’t really know each other that well but as long as we’re together we can have the time to get to know things about each other. His fiance found out about the affair between us and absolutely wanted me dead for it. Hours after finding out about the affair Ty’s fiance died from scarlet fever. Just as we arrived in New Zealand.

The first interaction was with the Maori people. At first, it was scary because they had no such clothes on or whatsoever. They had this traditional kind of clothing on or something like that. It was surprising to see them watch us come off the ships and onto their land. I never got to see the place I traveled a long way to see. Once we arrive in New Zealand, I stepped onto land and within a few steps, I fainted. Never to open my eyes again.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday. I think I was a 8/10

Why did you rate yourself that and why?
I rated myself that because I participated in everything

What skills do you think you did well?
Dribbling and passing

What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball?
Holding the stick with two hands and facing the direction I want it to go

What do you think you could improve on in today's lesson?
 Controlling the ball
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