
Friday, May 6, 2022


Odysseus is the king of Ithaca.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


Life In Sparta

Sparta upheld a very strict yet strong army known as the Spartans around the 10th century BC. It is said that only men of Spartan birth were regarded as citizens. Physical fitness played a big role as only healthy and strong men were able to become soldiers. A boy was educated by the state until he was 20, then joined the army afterwards and was elected into one of the military clubs. 

I, Clavdia: Women In Ancient Rome

The book I, Claudia: Women In Ancient Rome conveys a strong point about the differences between Roman women and Greek women as well as the differences in power. Also shows how the Roman women were not liberated meaning they weren't allowed to vote or hold public office. But they could own properties, inherit estates and run family businesses. They were able to go out freely to the marketplace, and theatres and bathe in the public baths. They were not restrained to their homes, unlike Greek women.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

DVC Rendering Internal

Nelly Kaitao

At the moment in DVC we are doing a rendering internal. We had to design a bottle. We drew the bottle 3 times and coloured each one as different materials. They were clear plastic, solid plastic and stainless steel.

What did I like? I liked the middle bottle the best. I think the pink and purple worked well together the most.

What didn't I like? The dark blue on the first lid looks weird and the work is unfinished.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Art 1.2 Update

My next steps are to completely finish artworks that are half done and to focus on what I need to do and get them done. Also to make more artworks that link to the artist I've chosen (Sofia Minson & Shane Cotton). As well as researching the work done by Marilyn Webb.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Diary Of Anne Frank-Play

  1. How does viewing this text through a child’s perspective change the way we experience it? Explain using an example from the text. Doesn't understand the world yet so their ideas aren't fully developed unlike adults. There opinions haven't been properly formed yet. Sympathy for them.
  2. How would this text be different if it were told from the perspective of an adult? How would the audience’s experience be different? More stressful. They adults are more aware of how everything is rather than the kids. Their perspective is more hopeless and and they want to survive way more than the kids do.
  3. Why did the filmmaker or author decide to tell this story from a child’s perspective? Because it's also important to see the perspective from a child's point of view rather than an adult. It's also something different and it shows just how kids see things as well and their reactions to the situations/problems happening around them.
  4. How are children represented in the text? How are adults represented in the text? Children were shown as selfish, naive, annoying, talkative, loud, gullible and curious. Adults were shown as selfish, thieves, fighting, more serious, semi-educated.
  5. Does imagination help the young hero to cope? How so? Provide an example. Yes because it's something different and it's a way for Anne to write to someone who isn't actually visible to the eye. An example of this would be every time she writes inside her diary.
  6. Does this text connect in any other ways to the other texts you have read/viewed? How so? Provide evidence and explain. Yes the way that this play has all been written can link back to Jojo Rabbit. For example they were both shown from a child's perspective rather than an adults. They were pure, innocent and ignorant. A better example would be that Jojo and Anne were both Jewish and in the end were afraid of the Nazis.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Artwork Update

Spiritual and Cultural is my kaupapa for Art. My main focus is on my family and where I'm from. Including the country I'm from to the beliefs, morals and values passed down to me. This is building me up into the person I am. The reason I chose this as my theme is because it's something I can relate to a lot and it's not only important to me but also for my family. It's also plays a huge role in my life.

My choice of picking spiritual and cultural as my kaupapa wasn't because I would enjoy it. I chose this because it this particular theme has impacted me in a way to help with building me into the person I am now. Also, it is helping me build my relationship between my culture and expanding my knowledge about where I come from and the person I am beginning to evolve into.

I have constantly been researching a lot and reconnecting with things I have lost but are now gaining back. My research has been based around things that are currently in my family in both the spiritual and cultural sides of things.

The work below is a display of wings. They're unfinished and need some adjusting as it is not quite done yet. There is also a meaning behind the reason I have chosen to do wings. It represents one of my grandparents. It's not just a pair of wings that I have drawn just because I like wings. I chose to draw this as a representation of my grandfather who had passed down the values, knowledge etc to me and my family. By this meaning it relates back into the spiritual kind of things.

Here is one thing that I've been researching on. Obviously the cross represents my religion.